Our primary service focus is on broadband Internet access services, including:
- ADSL and Aggregated DSL (multiple bundled lines) with wide coverage
- ADSL2+ and Bonded ADSL2+ from our own CLEC's facilities-based network
- Ethernet over Copper (e.SHDSL EFM) and other Ethernet technologies
- NxT-1s, T-3s, OCn
- fiber optics
- fixed wireless
- and any technology that makes sense for a given situation.
Additionally, we offer private line services over the same technologies if you have two or more locations you'd like to link with a private data connection at speeds from 1 to 100Mbps, or even a Gigabit/sec or more.
We also offer dialup Internet access, web hosting and email services, domain registrations, and colocation services.
Please click on the links on the left to review some of our service offerings. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss what we can achieve most cost-effectively to meet your needs at your specific address, please contact us at or see our other Contacts.